
2019 Costume Contest Winners

Congratulations to all of our contest participants, in our books you’re ALL wearing garbage!! Here are the our trashiest contestants for 2019:

  • First Place – Eric Schumacher as Green Space Alien with Tentakuls
  • Second Place – Elizbeth Mire as Sailor Moon
  • Third Place – Lemley Fambly as Generic Space Fambly
  • Honorable Mention – Bud Lightbeer
  • Honorable Mention – Crazy Cardboard Hating Protestor
  • Honorable Mention – Cornbread*Con reprensative

Photographs of Eric Schumacher and Crazy Cardboard Protestor courtesy of Frameshot. To see Frameshot’s entire photo collection from 2019 visit his photo gallery on Anime Geek Gaming Nation.

All other photographs in this post are courtesy of Karen Grayson.

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