Did you hear?? Attendees of the 2020 edition of Cardboard*Con were awarded with a surprise Star Trak themed badj with a complimentary deluxe Cardboard*Con lanyard!
This special gift was made possible in part by our 10th Anniversary Costume Contest winner Eric Schumacher, who was unable to attend for year 11.
The front of the card features a dancing Vulcan set against a glittering disco box, with the date of the event on the front.

The reverse side of the card featured the license that badjholders agreed to by accepting the card, along with a 10% coupon to Beefsteak Charlies and a discount for buying a ticket to Cardboard*Con’s sister event, PiratePalooza.

Disclaimer text:
This badj is a limited license to attend Cardboard*Con 2020, and may be revoked or revised at any moment on a whim by Cardboard*Con. All badj holders and licenses are granted hereunto (we always wanted to use that word) certain impositions, such as surrendering your lunch money.
At any point in time Cardboard*Con may impose additional regulations, requirements, taxes, fines, or levies upon the badj holder. Certain aspects of civilized behavior are incumbent upon the badj holder, such as using your indoor voice, obeying all known laws and statutes, keeping your hands to yourself, helping little old ladies across the street, and generally not being a dick.
If you violate these or other accords, known or unknown, you may be asked to surrender your badj and may be imprisoned by the local government. Since you did not pay anything for this badj we will have nothing to do with you, since you already agreed to be a good person. This may not even be a real thing.
Still, to be clear, by accepting a badj you release Cardboard*Con from any liability from loss or damage to persons, property, boxes, or infringement of any right, or claim or cause of action of any kind known in the universe now or in the future. You also let us share still or moving photos of your face, your costume, your voice, and so on, but we don’t own you because we can’t feed you – we just want to share it on our website and all the other stuff like Facebook and so on.
This badj is non-refundable and will not be replaced. For additional information visit www.cardboardcon.com