Cardboard*Con has announced the one of a kind trophies for their 2019 event and the Cardboard News Network is here with the scoop! Just take a look at these beauties (and is that a solid gold time capsule in the background?)! While it may look like trash to some, Cardboard*Con is actually a modern art experiment by renowned prankster-artist Banksy’s pal Captain Drew and each prize (piece of artwork) is valued at no less than $500.
Category: Trophies
Cardboard*Con 8 Trophies Revealed
The highly sought collectible art trophies for Cardboard*Con 8 have been revealed for the 2017 edition of the event, and the Cardboard News Network was there first to bring you a sneak peek! Remember: Cardboard*Con isn’t just a science fiction convention, it’s also a modern art experiment and this year’s prizes are valued at more than $400 each!
Beginning this year the Grand Prize Winner of the badly run and extremely confusing Cardboard*Con costume contest will be awarded with the now-legendary Robert Gair Memorial Loving Cup (referred to more casually as “The Cardboard Cup”).
Cardboard*Con to Select Trophy Designer
The Cardboard News Network has learned that Cardboard*Con plans to select trophy designer Erica Strickland to design and fabricate trophies for the event’s second annual event in March. We will update this page when images of the trophies are available!