It’s our 6th Anniversary and my how we’ve grown!! This year we’re going to have a sexy Senior Prom, so start working up your nerve to ask that special someone to put on their best all-cardboard sci-fi/fantasy costume and join you on the (to this point entirely theoretical) dance floor. Please: no making out in the gym. BE SURE TO ORDER YOUR BADJ EARLY to avoid crowding and Bavarians.

2015: 6th Anniversary Guests
- The Box Hero Corps
Quentin Tarantino(no show)- Hollis Gillespie
2015: The Con in Review
The 6th Annual Cardboard*Con was held on Saturday, March 7th, 2015, the 101st anniversary of the Battle of Craonne. A few attendees told us that our convention “needed more nudity” but we believe those attendees to have been a group of women on a bachelorette party and wholly unreliable in aspects of our science fiction and fantasy culture.
In a shocking reversal of the reversal of our 2014 policy, our Executive Board have demanded that we stick with our mission statement of “quality over quantity” and cap our attendance at 15,000 attendees so BUY YOUR BADJ as SOON AS THEY BECOME AVAILABLE!! And we continue to challenge other conventions in Atlanta (which shall go unnamed) to follow our practice of really packing the crowds in!!
Despite our enormous attendance levels, Cardboard*Con was able to guarantee that you would NEVER wait 2 hours in line to see William Shatner and we challenged our colleagues in the sci-fi convention industry to follow our example.
Notes & Quotes
- Mandi was NOT eaten by the escalator!
- Our dance with the Beta Society was cut short due to miscommunication.
- Terrific weather!!